Comet Ison update
Comet ison yang di canang akan menjadi ‘comet of the year’
telah menjadi semakin malap apabila perjalanannya menghampiri matahari. Ini
menyebabkannya ‘di bakar’ pada suhu yang tinggi dan akibatnya ciri-ciri yang
menyebabkannya bersinar telah turut sama terbakar dan mengakibatkan komet itu
semain malap...
komet ini bersamaan dengan hadith yang saya nyatakan sebelum ini? Meskipun saya
tak menyemak apakah kedudukan hadith tersebut, adakah Dhaif, Sohih atau pun
Maudu’.. Tapi kalau nak ikutkan perkembangan komet itu, semua cirri komet itu
ada pada hadith itu Cuma satu sahaja ... iaitu cahaya sinar komet itu yang
dijangkakan akan menerangi bumi seumpama bulan tidak terjadi akibat komet itu
telah mengampiri orbit matahari yang menyebabkan sinarnya yang terang menjadi
malap akibat dibakar dengan suhu yang tinggi.. so penduduk bumi tak dapat
melihat cahaya itu secara ‘naked eye’, dan ini sebenarnya agak bertentangan
dengan cerita hadith itu... yang dapat melihat gemerlapan cahaya komet itu hanyalah
yang menggunakan peralatan canggih sebelum komet itu memasuki kawasan yang
berdekatan dengan matahari..
adakah komet ini, komet yang diceritakan dalam hadith itu? Wallahualam...
Yang penting kita boleh menarik nafas lega sedikit, kerana
ancaman/jangkaan akan banyak berlaku fitnah yang hebat terhadap umat islam
sejurus munculnya bintang itu 'mungkin' di tangguh... tapi apa sahaja boleh
berlaku, kerana saya beranggapan ekonomi dan politik dunia sekarang ni begitu
‘fragile’ ... apa-apa boleh berlaku...
bersedialah dari segi iman, ekonomi, kekuatan mental dan hati..
“November 30, 9 a.m. EST: Fading continues; no activity. Filip Fratev posts again (at 8:15 UT this morning), "just measured another drop of 0.5 magnitude for the last 11 hours (20:30 – 7:18 UT). Thus it is in the range of magnitude 3.1–3.6, probably more close to 3.5." The later LASCO C3 image from 12:54 UT shows the fading very obviously.
He posts again at 15:29 UT; "ISON's brightness has dropped rapidly. I estimated the comet as between about 4.5-5.0m. Magnitude decrease was almost 0.1m per hour."
Jacob Czerny notes that the comet remnant is fading at the rate expected of a simple, inactive debris cloud moving farther from the Sun's illumination. In addition it is expanding, which means its surface brightness is dimming even faster than its total brightness.
As for what looks like a new comet tail? That turns out to be well modeled by the trajectories of particles that ceased to be emitted at perihelion two days ago. Explains Hermann Böhnhardt (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research), "If we assume in our calculations that the comet has emitted dust at perihelion, we can reproduce the current images quite well."
“November 30, 9 a.m. EST: Fading continues; no activity. Filip Fratev posts again (at 8:15 UT this morning), "just measured another drop of 0.5 magnitude for the last 11 hours (20:30 – 7:18 UT). Thus it is in the range of magnitude 3.1–3.6, probably more close to 3.5." The later LASCO C3 image from 12:54 UT shows the fading very obviously.
He posts again at 15:29 UT; "ISON's brightness has dropped rapidly. I estimated the comet as between about 4.5-5.0m. Magnitude decrease was almost 0.1m per hour."
Jacob Czerny notes that the comet remnant is fading at the rate expected of a simple, inactive debris cloud moving farther from the Sun's illumination. In addition it is expanding, which means its surface brightness is dimming even faster than its total brightness.
As for what looks like a new comet tail? That turns out to be well modeled by the trajectories of particles that ceased to be emitted at perihelion two days ago. Explains Hermann Böhnhardt (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research), "If we assume in our calculations that the comet has emitted dust at perihelion, we can reproduce the current images quite well."
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